
Tuesday, March 14, 2023

The Widow of Zarephath: Part 3

When we left the widow in part 2, she had encountered Elijah at the entrance of the city gate where she was gathering sticks to prepare the last bit of food she had for her and her son.

Elijah had just made a request for a cup of water and a piece of bread from her and she had bared her soul telling him that she was just now gathering sticks to prepare the last food she had for her and her son to eat and then die.

In verse 13, Elijah picks up the conversation … However, Elijah said to her, “Do not fear; go, do as you have said. Just make me a little bread loaf from it first and bring it out to me, and afterward you may make one for yourself and for your son.

Time Out!  Providing water for Elijah was one thing but giving him dibs on her last morsels of food ‘first’ was quite another.  Do you think she thought about what that would mean for her and her son?

Do you think it even registered with her his first command of ‘do not fear?’  As a mother, I can tell you that my first thought would have been for my child.  How could you not ‘fear’ in this situation?

Here is a pagan woman who has been instructed by God to take care of Elijah … all she knows about the God of Abraham is what she has heard.  This is where the ‘rubber meets the road’ for the widow, do you think she could have struggled with the reality of it all?  Do you think she could have questioned herself over whether God actually made the command or do you think she might have entertained the thought that she could have been so distraught over her situation that she had imagined God’s command?  In times of great duress, our minds can make us question everything.

Maybe Elijah could sense her possible inner turmoil for this is what he said next in verse 14 … For this is what the Lord, the God of Israel says: ‘The bowl of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil become empty, until the day that the Lord provides rain on the face of the earth.’”

Do you think the widow had an attitude of ‘what have I got to lose’ or do you think she could have struggled with putting Elijah’s request first?  Elijah tells the widow some pretty remarkable things regarding her food supply, do you think she had trouble believing him?  Do you think she struggled with Elijah’s assurances?  This was surely a time of inwardly questioning a faith in the God she knew little about!

15 So she went and did everything in accordance with the word of Elijah, and she and he and her household ate for many days. 16 The bowl of flour was not used up, nor did the jar of oil become empty, in accordance with the word of the Lord which He spoke through Elijah.

We see that if she struggled with her inner thoughts, she didn’t dwell on them long, but instead made the decision quickly to trust him and obeyed.

Can’t you just feel the amazement that the widow surely felt as day after day, meal after meal, the flour and oil never ran out.  What a faith building time for the widow!  Do you think the widow shared what was happening with others?  What a witness that would have been for God if she did.

As Christians today might our witness be helpful to others simply by sharing what God is doing in our lives and in the lives of those we know?

I’d love it if you’d share any take-aways or insights you have over what we’ve studied in this lesson.

May you be blessed by what you’ve read!

patsy @ From This Heart Of Mine

(c) 2023 by Patsy Norwood.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. I feel like my first thoughts probably would have been for my five children who never seemed to stop eating! But, I was raised to never turn anyone away from my table and so I saw that as a child and then in my own home. We have always had plenty for everyone anytime we made room at our table. Just like our grocery money never running out we have seen that with our food supplies. At the end of last summer we bought a bag of 15 frozen cheddar garlic biscuits for $1 at the salvage store. We have taken 2-4 biscuits from that bag all fall and winter to bake to go with soups and stews and it never runs out! Sunday night we put 4 in the oven and I asked Hubby how many were left and he said seven. It just does not make sense! My great aunt had a favorite story of my Uncle Walt asking another family to come over for supper after meeting up with them out in public one Sunday afternoon. All the way home my aunt was racking her brain for what to feed them all. She had a small piece of cheese and half a loaf of bread so she made grilled cheese sandwiches slicing that bit of cheese just as thin as she could. Every one ate all they wanted and the other family always mentioned those delicious grilled cheese sandwiches every time they saw them for many years after.

    We very often share what God has done in our lives and then not think much about it but a couple of years ago an old neighbor that we still see told us that when we moved in here and they were two doors down that they saw a different kind of family. Then they had their first baby and they knew that they wanted what we had so they asked their family doctor about us since he knew us. He shared and they were saved! It was more than 20 years between then and when she told us so we have learned that every day we are a witness by both our words and our actions. We really did not know how much! Before Covid God gave us another neighbor to befriend and be a witness to but progress has been slow since lockdown was shorty after and they are still very much afraid of getting sick. I pray that our lack of fear has been a witness to them.

    Thank you for these reminders through this study!

    1. Lana, your stories are so inspiring and encouraging, thank you for sharing them! God is faithful to His children.

  2. I find this scripture/lesson very comforting. I was chatting to my 18 year old son who has not yet made a decision to follow Jesus (yet)! He was asking about the antichrist, and we discussed the mark of the beast etc. I'm thinking that we would be raptured around this time? as we would not be able to survive otherwise.........

    1. Robyne, there are many different views on the rapture, it can be quite a controversial subject. The most important thing though is to be ready when our time on earth is over or when the Lord returns, whichever happens first. I hope your son makes the decision to follow Jesus soon.
