
Thursday, October 24, 2024

Martha, Martha! ... Growing in Her Faith! ... Lesson 4

Martha, Martha! … Growing In Her Faith

Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-44; John 12:2

By Patsy Norwood © 2024  All Rights Reserved!

Lesson 4

In lesson 3 we saw Martha take a giant step in her spiritual growth and this week we’re going to see some of the results of that growth.

Let's leave the book of Luke and head over to the book of John ...

John 11:1 … Now a certain man was sick, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha.

This verse sets the background for the rest of the chapter.

Bethany: a village some 2 miles outside of Jerusalem on the eastern side of the Mount of Olives. 

Sisters: Mary & Martha

A certain man:  This certain man was named Lazarus.  There were several men named Lazarus during this time, but we know from John 11:21 that this Lazarus was the brother of Martha and Mary.  Also notice the specifics about Lazarus’ location.  It was if the writer didn’t want there to be any question about which Lazarus he was talking about which also nailed down which Martha and Mary he was talking about as well.  It seems all three names were common ones at the time and it was important to get their identities correct.

Sick: one is led to think that Lazarus sickness was severe, otherwise the sisters wouldn’t have made the following choice …

Verse 3:  so the sisters sent word to Him, saying, “Lord, behold, he whom You love is sick.”

The sisters sent word:  notice this was not just Mary, but Martha also.

He whom you love is sick: such a simple and humble statement!  No demanding or even asking that Jesus come and do something, just a simple statement.  Was there expectation imbedded in that statement, I’m sure there was but there was also a silent surrendering to Jesus’ will.

The word love here means love for a close friend.  This makes sense as Jesus had been blessed by Martha, Mary and Lazarus’ hospitality in their home many times.  There is closeness and love that comes from such a relationship that’s binding in a special way.  My husband and I have such a relationship with a family that has been our Martha, Mary and Lazarus numerous times. We have a special bond and love for them that would bring us to their aid at the drop of a hat if they needed us, so it’s easy for me to understand the bond that was between Jesus and Martha, Mary and Lazarus. 

By Martha and Mary sending their message to Jesus they knew that if He knew they had a need, He would come.  Let that sink in …do we take our needs to Jesus?  Are we confident that He will come to our aid as well?

They left the handling of their family emergency in Jesus’ hands.  How hard would that have been?  What faith they must have had!  Do we have that kind of confidence in our Lord?

Notice in closing that throughout these two verses we are no longer reading only of Mary’s love for Jesus, but the word ‘they’ indicates that Martha’s love for Him was on display as well.  It wasn’t only Mary sending word to Jesus, it was ‘they,’ Martha and Mary.

Martha seems to be living the lesson she learned in our study last week …

Jesus first … always and in everything!

Next week we’re going to see Jesus’ response to Martha and Mary’s message.  Did Jesus show up?  Was Martha and Mary’s confidence in Jesus misplaced?  We’ll find out in our next lesson.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today's lesson.  Don't forget to leave a comment and if you're enjoying this study, please share the link with other ladies who you think might enjoy it as well. 

Until the next class …

patsy @ From This Heart of Mine


Sources used for this study:

Various translations of the Holy Bible

Various commentaries

Dictionary of New Testament Background, Editors: Craig A Evans & Stanley E. Porter

Archaeological Study Bible

All the Women of the Bible by Edith Deen

Daughters of Eve by Lottie Beth Hobbs

Halley’s Bible Handbook by H. H. Halley













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