
Thursday, October 17, 2024

Martha! Martha! ... Growing in Her Faith: Lesson 3

Martha, Martha! … Growing In Her Faith

Luke 10:38-42; John 11:1-44; John 12:2

By Patsy Norwood © 2024  All Rights Reserved!

Lesson 3

In lesson 2 we left Martha having an outburst of emotions that caused her to confront Jesus demanding that He make Mary get up and help her.  Let’s pick up there and see what happens as a result of Martha’s actions … how did Jesus respond?  Let’s find out …

Verse 41 … But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and bothered about so many things;

The double use of Martha’s name here is regarded as an admonition, a gentle reproof, a pitying love kind of admonition, but never-the-less an admonition.

‘Martha, Martha’ … can’t you just hear the sadness in Jesus’ voice?  He wanted her to stop, be still, and lay aside her preconceived notion of what He wanted.  He didn’t want her to prepare a big fancy meal, a simple one would have met His and all their needs.  In so doing it would have given her time to do the most important thing which was sit at His feet and learn.  Jesus wanted Martha to take this opportunity to spend time with Him.

Isn’t that one of the things He still wants of us today?

‘You are worried and bothered about so many things’ … Can’t you just see Him trying to get her to understand, His words seem to imply something along the lines of … “My child, you have it all wrong!”  What you are doing is good, but right here and right now, it’s not the most important thing!

Verse 42 … but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.

Jesus wanted Martha to understand that there would be plenty of time and opportunity for housework and fancy meals later, but time with Him was most precious.

Little did they know how precious and limited time with Him was as He was approaching the last days of His life here on earth.  Had Martha known I’m sure she wouldn’t have concerned herself with all the things that were occupying her mind.

Martha was not yet the spiritually mature believer she would be, but this was an opportunity for her to grow and make progress in her spiritual walk.

Through Jesus’ loving admonition, Martha saw the error of her ways.

She learned that her perspective was not always God’s perspective …

She learned that there are times when less is more …

She learned that “‘man does not live by bread alone’ but by every word that proceedth out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4)

Aren’t there times when we could all learn from Martha’s lessons, I know that there are for me!

Next week, we leave this scene in Martha’s home and find her in another setting that clearly shows she has taken the lessons she learned to heart.  Join me next week as we hop over to the book of John and get a glimpse of an improved Martha who has a better understanding of what the most important thing is.

I hope you’ve enjoyed today's lesson.  Don't forget to leave a comment and if you're enjoying this study, please share the link with other ladies who you think might enjoy it as well. 

Until the next class …

patsy @ From This Heart of Mine

 Sources used for this study:

Various translations of the Holy Bible

Various commentaries

Dictionary of New Testament Background, Editors: Craig A Evans & Stanley E. Porter

Archaeological Study Bible

All the Women of the Bible by Edith Deen

Daughters of Eve by Lottie Beth Hobbs

Halley’s Bible Handbook by H. H. Halley


  1. The meal (our busywork) would only last for a short time. Time with our Father in prayer and Bible study will last forever. A better investment for Martha and a better investment for us❤️
